3 Magical Summer Drinks for Weight Loss That You Didn’t Know About


Looking for the best way to shed pounds this summer? Fat gain, in general, is troublesome, and who doesn’t like to look good? When you look good, you feel good, right? Unhealthy lifestyle patterns and poor eating habits can lead to weight gain, but why cut down on those delicious meals when you can enjoy them in a much better way with these crazy weight-loss summer drinks? Yes, you read that right! Everyone knows that having a good intake of water in summer helps keep you hydrated, but why not make it more beneficial by letting it aid in weight loss while enjoying those full meals at the same time!

Here are 3 magical summer drinks that will be a game-changer for your weight loss journey. Not only are they easy to make, but these lethal combinations will keep you fresh, hydrated, and most importantly COOL, making them perfect for this dreadful summer season.

Gond Katira (Gum Herb)

Now I know this may come as something new to you, but Gond Katira is a magical ingredient you are probably unaware of. Gond Katira boosts your bone health, aids stomach acidity, has cooling properties, and brings a glow to your skin. You can easily find Gond Katira in shops. Soak a few Gond Katira in water for a few hours or preferably overnight, and let it fluff up. This is when it releases all its magical properties and makes it ideal for drinks. In the morning, have a glass of water, add in the Gond Katira and a squeeze of lemon, as much as you prefer. This cool and refreshing drink will boost your weight loss in no time and keep you COOL. An ideal and must-try for this summer!

Zeera and Saunf Tea (Cumin and Fennel)

Now you probably have heard about these two separately when talking about weight loss, but have you tried them together in a drink? This drink is refreshing to enjoy. Boil one and a half glass of water with 1 teaspoon of cumin and 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds. Remember to heat it on low or moderate flame to let the properties of these two infuse in the water, rather than burn away their magic due to high flame. Cumin can detoxify your body and speed up your metabolism, which helps in burning fat. It is also cooling and has anti-aging properties. Fennel seeds soothe bloating and gastric issues and aid digestion. They help with bone health, blood pressure, and weight loss. When the drink reduces to a cup only, then you can enjoy it warm. In short, this drink is an energy booster as the spice mix will keep you refreshed and keep you hydrated. The taste is so mild that you will get used to it too, enjoy it after every meal!

Honey & Chia Water

This is a very delicious drink to have. Chia seeds are full of antioxidants, iron, zinc, and many more properties. They also keep you full for longer, so you tend to eat less. Honey is a natural sweetener that, combined with chia, has a cooling effect. Soak a teaspoon of chia seeds in a glass of water for at least 15 minutes and let it fluff. Add a teaspoon of honey and a dash of lemon to enhance the flavor. If you are really looking for quick weight loss, add a pinch of ginger powder as well. Ginger provides quick fat burn. You can have this drink early in the morning for maximum benefits.

There you go! Be honest here, did you know about these combinations before? I bet that you didn’t. These drinks are magical as they will help with weight loss and at the same time keep the body temperature cool, which is a must for this summer! Try out these weight loss drinks now and say hello to an easier way to lose weight!

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