5 Essential Tips to Stay Hydrated this Summer


You know what’s amazing about summer? The long and lazy sunny days. Although the heat might be too scorching for us, it is still the best weather for soaking Vitamin D and heading out for the beaches and having some fun. It is also easy to forget one crucial thing: staying hydrated. Hydration is the key to keeping up the energy levels, soothing the skin from infections and maintaining a good body functionality. Afterall, a human is made with 75% of water so how can one forget to stay hydrated! So, let’s dive into some practical and easy-to-follow tips to stay hydrated this summer.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

The most straightforward way to stay hydrated: drink water. Just remember to drink plentiful of water throughout the day especially when needed the most such as after a workout. Keep a water bottle handy and take a sip often. Install water reminder apps on your phone if you feel that you need to be reminded about drinking water.

2. Eat Water-Rich Foods

We are blessed with food that have ample amounts of water in them. Hydration will not be a problem if you integrate such food in your diet. Cucumbers, watermelons, strawberries, and oranges are not only delicious but also have high water content. They are also light on the stomach and very refreshing, so they are ideal for snacking on a hot summer day and easy to eat. Add hydrating foods to your meals!

3. Infuse Your Water

If staying hydrating is a problem because of having water, then why not make it more interesting? Infuse your water with herbs and fruits, add in flavor and make it more exciting to drink. Try adding slices of lemon, lime, cucumber, or a handful of mint leaves. This will not only add a burst of flavors, but it will also detoxify your body and increase the benefits of the water. It’s a fun and tasty way to stay hydrated in summer.

4. Monitor Your Hydration Levels

It’s easy to monitor your hydration level. You just need to pay attention to your body. If you feel that your body needs liquid then start sipping water for hydration. Dry mouth, headaches and acne can be a sign of dehydration. Your urine color can also serve as a hydration indicator. If it’s light yellow, you’re probably well-hydrated. Dark yellow or amber indicates you need to drink more. Listen to your body and adjust your water intake accordingly.

5. Stay Hydrated When Outdoor

It’s essential to stay hydrated when you go out for any adventure. Always take a water bottle with you and make sure that you finish it throughout the time. Even if fleeting to nearby places, or doing any outdoor work, just remember to take a break and sip water at the least.

Dehydration can lead to serious health issues like heat exhaustion or heatstroke, especially in this hot weather. Drinking water is not something that a person will often ponder upon or pay heed to. Nature has its ways and drinking water helps to balance our overall health. It also keeps the joints lubricated and supports a good digestive system.

By following these summer hydration tips, you can ensure you stay healthy and enjoy all the activities that you love. So, keep that water bottle close and enjoy a refreshing, hydrated summer! Here’s to good health and happy, sunny days.

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