Peer e Kamil Novel Review

Exploring Umera Ahmed’s Masterpiece: Peer e Kamil Novel Review

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  1. Peer e Kamil Novel Review,

Peer e Kamil Novel Review,

In the journey of life, there inevitably comes a moment when all connections fade away—leaving only ourselves and the presence of Allah. In this instance, familial ties dissolve, friendships fade, and we find ourselves alone with the Divine. The ground beneath our feet and the sky above seem to vanish, leaving only Allah as our sole support in this void. It is in this profound solitude that we grasp our true insignificance—a mere grain of sand or a solitary leaf in the vastness of existence. Our significance dwindles to the confines of our own being, with our departure leaving no discernible mark on the world or its grand design.

This popular ‘Peer e Kamil Novel’ is written by the renowned Umera Ahmed. Among her remarkable literary works such as “Zindagi Gulzar Hai,” “Alif,” “Durr-e-Shahwaar,” “Daam,” “Man-o-Salwa,” and numerous others, in my view, ‘Peer e Kamil Novel’ would forever hold a special place in the heart of her readers. It is a novel about the love of Allah-the everlasting love. Stemmed from the love of the holy prophet (PBUH). The narrative is compelling , profound and truly emotional. The way Umera Ahmed has written this novel and has engaged her readers from the start till the very end is truly remarkable. For me personally, reading this novel felt like a much-needed warm hug.

The story revolves around Salar Sikandar and Imama Hashim. Imama Hashim is a college going girl who plans on pursuing a degree in medicine. She hails from an affluent family from a specific sect and finds herself drawn towards islam. She soon embarks on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment . On the other hand, Salaar Sikander ,belonging to liberal family, has everything- money(loads of it ) , intellect(the infamous 150 plus IQ) and looks. However, he is unappreciative of his blessings, perpetually seeking extreme pain and grappling with suicidal tendencies.

“What is next to ecstasy?”


“What is next to pain?”


“What is next to nothingness?”


Their paths cross when Imama Hashim saves Salaar Sikander’s life, leading to a series of life-changing events that unfold the intricate phases of their lives. What ignites the love between them? (or do they fall in love?) How does a crucial incident reshapes Salaar Sikander’s life? What trails do they endure ? . Spanning over a timeline of nine years, the answers to these questions unravel bit by bit as we delve deeper into the story.

Imama Hashim’s character is the epitome of sacrifice,  as she navigates through societal constraints and hardships in her search for divine love. Her unwavering determination reflects the belief that trust in Allah’s power and justice never goes unrewarded. The novel is replete with twists and turns, compelling readers to devour it in one sitting. The portrayal of the title “Peer e Kamil” (The Perfect Mentor)in the lives of Salar Sikandar and Imama Hashim adds to the intrigue and beauty of the narrative.

From the sacrifices and the struggle of Imama Hashim and eventual redemption of Salaar Sikander, I learnt that anything that deviates you from your purpose in life is something you have to cast aside, no matter how dear it is to.  And that no sin beyond the scope of forgiveness if your intentions are pure. The writer has indeed done an amazing job in writing this novel.  The discussion can be concluded by quoting Umaira Ahmad’s own words: “some are born virtuous, some become virtuous. To be good by nature is indeed fortunate but to become good is like walking on a double edged sword; it takes a longer time and is more painful.”

Disclaimer: Spoilers Ahead

Reading this novel was an emotional rollercoaster ride for me. There were moments when I had a grin plastered across my face and moments that had me bawling my eyes out. The part where Salaar Sikander goes to the red light area after a very long time in search of Imama Hashim and him being scared for her…. That moment had me holding my breath and I re read that specific part,  five more times. And that’s when he realizes that he loved Imama Hashim(!!!!!!). He comes back and falls into prostration. That scene is everything to me.That scene is my roman empire. This scene will forever be my favourite and I would do anything to reread that again for the first time.

And Salaar Sikander, I don’t even have words for him. I went from “I loathe him” to “Please Allah help him”. It was amazing how beautifully Umera Ahmed turned him from a red flag to an entire green forest. She sure has raised the bar for us girls . That moment when he found himself bound in the woods, his vulnerability laid bare, and the weight of his actions crashing down on him as he remembered his conversation with Imama Hashim…this scene holds a profound depth to it and was an eye opener for us.

What disappointed me about the novel was the limited interactions between the main characters, Salar Sikandar and Imama Hashim. Additionally, I despised the character of Jalal Ansar and his betrayal of Imama Hashim in the end. It infuriated me that, even after nine years, Imama Hashim turned to Jalal, an action that felt out of character for her.

The character of Saeeda Amma was so cute and relatable. Im sure we all have at least one Saeeda Amma in our family. Her interaction with Salaar Sikander was very cute. Likewise, Dr. Sibt-e-Ali’s character was commendable for his kindness towards Imama Hashim when the world turned its back on her, and the lessons he imparted to her and to us were truly valuable.

Overall, I would rate this book a 4.5 out of 5. It evoked strong emotions in me, and I have high hopes for Book 2. Yes, there’s a sequel! named Aab e Hayat. I’m eagerly anticipating more heartwarming scenes featuring Salar Sikandar and Imama Hashim. I can’t wait to dive into it and will be sure to share my review soon.

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