Top 7 Self-Care Tips That Will Improve Your Life


Feeling a little under the weather or stressed out? Responsibilities can sometimes feel burdensome, not because you are actually becoming a”burden” but just because you are simply overdoing it and are “burnt out”. Stress can bring out the worst in people. Problems at home and the workplace or rifts in your social circle can ruin work-life balance, calmness and turn into a mental burden.

Not to worry as it’s nothing that cannot be sort out. Sometimes all we need is a bit of self-care. Taking time out to care for yourself should also be a priority, which often get ignored. Adapting to small changes can lead to vast improvement beyond imagination. Here are some easy-to-follow tips for your self-care routine that will ease out that pressure.


Ever heard the phrase “Just sleep on it” when talking with someone about a complicated decision. It is simply because sometimes we only need to rest a bit to refresh the brain and clear out the clutter. Did you know that sleeping 8 hours a day is a myth? Each individual has different sleeping requirements, but the point to remember is not to FORGET to sleep and get ample amount of rest that your immune system needs as a self-care boost.

Active Lifestyle

A change of scenery leads to a change in emotion and is a refresher for your brain. Maintain an active lifestyle. Go out for a walk. If that is not possible, do any physical form of exercise at home at least for 10 to 15 minutes every day, and experience the release of stress yourself.

Good Bath

Have a good, relaxing and soothing bath. Gone are the days where such relaxation techniques were only suggested for women. Just take a good bath and let your stress wash away. Did you know that pouring water all over your body can trigger a natural shift in your mood in no time? Use scented washes that you like and make bathing a relaxing experience.

Healthy Diet

How can we even talk of self-care and not mention a healthy diet? Your internal system has more gripping control over you than external factors, so make sure that you eat healthy. Take in carbs, protein, and all kinds of nutrition. Even if you are on a diet, eat a bit of everything in portions. Do not starve yourself, or leave out your cravings. These are basic self-care needs that your body asks for.

Systematic Routine

Maintain a routine. Fix on your work wherever possible. A day can be planned in advance if you want to , and that can help a lot with those random outbursts of stress. Develop a system. A day where you can save space for your family, friends, social circle, work and most definitely your ME time which is very important for self-care.

Internal & Social Selfcare

The way we think about ourselves and the data that we feed our brains with has a lot of impact on our mental health. Follow good motivational channels on social media and surround yourself with good friends. Read motivational affirmations daily, preferably at the start of your day. Play puzzles or mind-boggling games to sharpen your nerves and make you feel more active.

A Stress-Out List

Although this might take some time to carry out but this is extremely important. Start making a list of things that stress you out. Monitor your actions and reactions when you start feeling anxious or angry. Note the moments that trigger you or situations that you avoid. Read that list and try to figure out a way around it or sort out those specific triggers. Your life will change drastically.


Last but not least, the most casual and easiest way to improve your self-care is to just smile. It doesn’t take much effort, but it does release those happy hormones. Feel the change in emotions when you smile, and SEE the change in people when you pass a smile around as smiles are contagious.

Take care of yourself and be there for you. I bet there is not a single tip here that you cannot say NO to. Start today, here is wishing you a self-care FULL and stress-free life!

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