A Guide for Best Countries to Study and Work Abroad

Essential Steps for a Smooth Transition Abroad from Pakistan: A Guide for Best Countries to Study and Work Abroad


A Guide for Best Countries to Study and Work Abroad,

Traveling for pleasure is a refreshing experience though maybe even going abroad for the very first time but the sense of going abroad to spend quality time with your friend or family and having some time off from your busy schedule is exciting, no matter which place of the world you may be going abroad or at home. Have you ever thought about why it is so?

Well, we all know that Planning is half winning but beside the planning it’s a whole psychological state of mind of excitement that may give you that happy feeling. On the other hand, relocating for Studying or working abroad can be an exciting yet daunting experience, so we need to plan our actions on the basis of information we receive from study forums, the internet or firsthand information from people already working or studying abroad within our circle.

Packing Tips for International Travel:

For smooth sailing and a successful stay at the new destination abroad, we are dividing the traveling process into two chunks i.e., Before Departure and Upon Arrival. This guide outlines the key steps and considerations to keep in mind for a seamless transition at your new destination that is one of the best countries to study and work:

International Travel Essentials

Before Departure Checklist:

Best Countries to Study and Work: Before Departure Checklist

Ensure you have all necessary documents such as passport, visa, admission/employment letter, and any required certifications or licenses you may need abroad.


Pack light but smart. Include essential clothing suitable for the new climate, personal hygiene items, and important documents (in both hard and soft copies).

Food and Cigarettes:

Check the regulations of your destination regarding food and cigarettes. It’s advisable to carry a limited quantity of non-perishable, culturally familiar items to ease the transition. However, be mindful of customs regulations to avoid any issues.


Get a thorough health check-up and stock up on any necessary medications. Consider getting health insurance that covers your stay abroad.

Upon Arrival Checklist:

Best Countries to Study and Work: Upon Arrival Checklist:
Transportation and Accommodation:

Make sure you know where and how to reach the temporary accommodation arranged before arrival, such as a hotel or temporary rental facility. Use this time to find more permanent housing once you’re on the ground.

Bank Account:

Open a bank account as soon as possible to manage your finances. Complete your research of the local banks and their services online from Pakistan so you are a step ahead, and ensure you are aware of all the necessary prerequisite documentation (passport, visa, proof of address).

Driving License: 

Make sure you have converted your existing Pakistani Driving license to an international one as this will allow you to drive abroad straight away for nearly 180 days depending on which country you are in from the day you first landed. This will give you ample time to plan and inquire about the process for obtaining a local driving license.

Memorize Address and Locality:

Use Google Map to Familiarize yourself with your new address and surrounding locality.  Using Technology always saves time and effort.

Grocery stores and Amenities:

Mark the nearby stores, pharmacies, and other amenities for your own ease.

Local Transport:

Understand the local transportation options, routes, and fare comparison i.e., Taxi/Bus/Underground or METRO etc. chalk out the nearest route to travel to the nearest Town/city based on your location with Park and Ride facilities local intercity Bus and Train routes with Cycle/Car parking facilities nearby.

Mosque and Friday Prayers Timing:

Find nearby mosques and inquire about Friday prayers timing. This will help you maintain your religious practices in your new environment.

Halal Meat Stores:

Locate halal meat stores or enquire about halal food options in local markets. This will ensure you can maintain your dietary preferences.

The Incubation Period-First 10 Days:

Consider the first 10 days as a milestone, if you adjust well in this period you are set to defeat” Homesickness” trust me on this. Try to read the local newspaper (print or internet version) especially the Advertisement sections to understand the local trends and requirements. Watch the local TV channels and familiarize yourself with the local SOP’s or trending Reality shows so you may be able to break the ice with the locals you are about to meet. Explore the area, meet new people, jot down the dates of upcoming exhibitions like flower shows/ Food festivals or even Concerts etc. and start building a social network. Use this time to also register with local authorities if required, and to set up any necessary utilities or services in your name.

Remember, adapting to a new place with different cultural norms takes time and needs constant knowledge inflow, so be patient and open-minded. Embrace the experience with open arms, and you’ll soon find yourself feeling at home in your new surroundings. Good Luck!!!

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1 comment
  1. Very good input indeed specially for those travelling for the first time.
    Wholesome input encompassing all relevant aspects to gear up with.
    Great social service.
    However, there maybe some differences due to personal likes/ dislikes or situation based scenarios.

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