'AKS Novel' by Umera Ahmed

Diving Deep into the Intriguing ‘AKS Novel’ by Umera Ahmed


AKS Novel by Umera Ahmed,

AKS Novel by Umera Ahmed is an absolute gem that exceeded all my expectations! It tells an intricate and heart-wrenching story of two characters whose love for each other knows no bounds—love that transcends time and distance. Despite my usual aversion to complex relationships, this story made me empathise with a man married to someone else and a woman who wasn’t his wife. It might sound scandalous, but believe me, it’s not. The relationships in ‘AKS’ are pure, beautiful, and deeply moving. However, I must say I do not support Sherdil’s actions; he should not have married Sheherbano if he still harboured feelings for Aks.

It’s hard to discuss ‘AKS’ without spilling the beans, but I’ll try to keep it brief. One pivotal character is Chiriya, an adorable eight-year-old girl lovingly cared for by her grandfather, a civil cook living in the servant quarters of a government residence haunted by supernatural creatures known as Dwarfs. Chiriya befriends Aibek, a boy spending the summer at his uncle’s government residence.

Then there’s Sherdil, a civil servant residing with his wife and child in the same haunted quarters. He is happily married to the beautiful Sheherbano and is a dotting father to their four-year-old daughter Misaal. You might think you know where this story is headed, but prepared to be blown away by unexpected twists and turns!

And then there’s Aks, the true queen of this story, who is also the king in every meaningful way. She’s an exceptional civil servant who excels at everything she undertakes.She’s smart. She’s strong. And she’s determined to set things right. Sherdil and Aks are batchmates and best friends, with a shared history deeper than it appears. Their relationship—oh, their relationship! Their friendship is the heart of this novel. The way they connect and understand each other, no matter how much time has passed, is breathtakingly beautiful.

AKS Novel by Umera Ahmed

The relationship between Chiriya and her grandfather is another highlight. It reminded me a bit of Amraha and her grandfather from “Yaaram,” but Chiriya’s family faced even harsher trials. A tragic event forever changed their lives, casting a long shadow. Chiriya’s grandfather had to bear the brunt, and his sacrifices and the betrayals he uncovered were both heartbreaking and inspiring, driving Chiriya’s future actions.

Aks is the star of this novel. Despite her numerous achievements, she remains sweet and polite, making her impossible not to love. Before starting the book, I was ready to see her as a homewrecker, but everything I thought I knew was wrong. The story unfolded so differently and so much better than I feared. Aks was too smart to be a homewrecker, too wise to let her heart ruin someone else’s life. And what she did at the very end elevated her character above everyone else. She’s a true gem, and I adore her!

Surprisingly, I also grew to appreciate Sherdil and Sheherbano’s relationship. Crazy, right? Sheherbano’s character and their interactions were compelling. I respected how Sherdil loved and remained faithful to his wife, even though part of his heart belonged to Aks. If only Sheherbano hadn’t been so emotional and sensitive. If only she had listened to Sherdil, things wouldn’t have escalated into such a mess. Her misjudgment came with a heavy price, and her situation pained me deeply. It left me feeling down for days. Even though the novel concluded on a better note than I expected, healing those scars isn’t easy.

While ‘AKS by Umera Ahmed’ is a love story at its core, it also boldly tackles the social taboo of pedophilia. There were two characters who were victims, and the revelation of the second was shocking and horrifying, showing the deep-seated nature of this issue in the story. The impact of one man’s actions rippled through, affecting another later on. I appreciated that the writer didn’t let this traumatic incident define the young girl. She wasn’t overly traumatized and didn’t let it hinder her goals. The message that it’s not the victim’s fault resonated strongly throughout the book, which I deeply respect.

This novel reignited my admiration for Umera Ahmed, which had waned slightly  over the years after being so out of touch with reading, I forgot what she could do to your heart. It reminded me of her incredible talent to hook readers into her stories and make them forget everything else. Even when the story is sad and distressing, you can’t put it down. I couldn’t stop reading ‘AKS novel’, even when it hurt, even when my head was pounding with frustration and anger.

‘AKS by Umera Ahmed’ deeply impacted me. Umera Ahmed’s intricate storytelling blew me away. She created deep, complex characters like Aks, Sherdil, and Sheherbano, who were portrayed with all their faults and self-destructive tendencies. Sheherbano and Munazza (Sherdil’s mother) stood out in this regard, causing more chaos than anyone else. While I despised Munazza, I couldn’t bring myself to dislike Sheherbano. I think the writer went a bit overboard with her character at the end; a different, happier route would have been better. Still, everything about this book was brilliant.

I would rate this a 3.75/5 .That being said, this novel is very underrated. It does get boring at times, and the supernatural element of the Dwarfs felt unnecessary. Despite these flaws, it’s an incredible read.

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