Best Countries to Study Abroad with a Gap in Education


Best Countries to Study Abroad with a Gap in Education,

In the current socio-economic situation of Pakistan most of the youngsters who have completed their college level education are struggling to get a job, some of them are even confused about what to study next, are there any benefits to study abroad, how to apply for scholarships abroad, which are the best countries to study abroad and how to find the consultants nearby to study abroad. Students are not even aware that they can be entitled to scholarships and they need to know how to apply for a scholarship abroad 

The only thing they can think about is going abroad and starting from scratch as they may have more opportunities abroad, but this is what most of the aspirants think but not necessarily what they face once they land in the foreign land. Due to lack of knowledge they fall prey to the mesmerizing picture portrayed by the study abroad consultants mafia as well.  

International Educational experience can be a life-changing process and very fruitful in the long run for your overall personality and career, especially for those seeking to improve their economic situation. However, for the youth from Pakistan in their mid-20s to mid-30s, with gap years in their career, mediocre academic records, and English skills with average IELTS standards, the decision to study abroad requires careful consideration and deep analysis. Here are the pros and cons of pursuing education overseas under these circumstances.


Best Countries to Study Abroad: Pros

Career Enhancement:

Studying abroad can enhance your career prospects by providing access to advanced education and training that may not be available in Pakistan. Most of the lot are going for Degrees (Undergraduate/Postgraduate) in the field of Engineering, Accountings, Business and even in some cases for Law and Behavioral Sciences.

But on the other hand, most of the students are either school droppers or even have gap years and these are students cum economic immigrants. Students falling in this category need to diversify their searches for an appropriate vocational field or where they are offered on job training or Apprenticeship this will serve both of their requirements i.e., Foreign Earning and Foreign experience that can be valuable in setting up their own business in the same field both abroad and even if they decide to come back home to Pakistan.

The top fields considered to be both lucrative and prospective are Dairy Farming, Plumbing, Electrician, Construction, Motor Mechanics, Computer Technician, Health and Safety Certifications, Beauticians, Graphic Designing, Website Creation and Social Media Marketing which can offer on-the-job training.

Foreign Earnings:

You can reap the benefits of having a better chance to eventually work there while studying abroad, you may inject foreign earnings into your household income back home as you may be able to do wonders with even less savings abroad by benefiting from the Foreign Exchange multiplying factor which can significantly improve your family’s financial situation and increase the buying capacity of your family and can easily opt for a improved lifestyle. This can also help you gain valuable experience and expertise that may be in demand in Pakistan upon your return. This is one of the best benefits of studying abroad

Personal Growth:

Studying abroad offers a chance for personal growth and professional development. It exposes one to new cultures and develops interfaith harmony so you may come up with ideas and new ways of thinking which can broaden your perspective and enrich your life.

Networking Opportunities:

Studying abroad allows you to build a global network of contacts at a young age that grows with time. This  is one of the best of the long run benefits of studying abroad as this can prove invaluable for your future career and prosperity. These connections can open up new opportunities and help you stay updated with the latest trends in your field.

Improved Language Skills:

Engaging yourself in an English-speaking environment can significantly improve your English language skills and communication skills, which can be beneficial both professionally and personally. This certainly boosts self-confidence.


Best Countries to Study Abroad: Cons

Financial Burden:

Funding international Tuition Fee is expensive as international student fee rates are more than what a local student is paying, living expenses, and other costs can add up quickly, putting a strain on your finances and may affect your mental health as well. This is where it helps when you know how to apply for scholarships abroad to optimize the benefits of studying abroad.  

Family Separation:

Staying away from your family for an extended period can be an emotional challenge as you miss important family events and milestones, which can take a toll on your mental well-being.

Adjustment Issues:

Adapting to the norms and culture of your new “Home”, needs time and you need to be quick in mingling with people of your age group to adjust well and seek information that will help you how to tackle the issues you are facing, the way you are taught at the college or the educational system can be difficult, especially if your English language skills are not at par with IELTS standards.

You may face challenges in academics and social interactions. This may be improved by watching local Television Soaps and local TV shows. This will help you to break the ice with your personal interactions. A bit of self research beforehand about the available best countries to study abroad can help you to adjust more smoothly. 

Career Setback:

Taking a gap year or more for studying abroad can disrupt your career progression back home. Employers may view the gap in your resume negatively, especially if you are not able to secure a job immediately upon your return.

Limited Job Opportunities:

While studying abroad can enhance your skills and knowledge, finding a job abroad in your field may not be guaranteed. The job market in foreign countries can be competitive, especially for individuals with mediocre academic records or less experienced.

In conclusion, studying abroad can be a rewarding experience for young Pakistanis looking to improve their socio-economic situation. However, it comes with its own set of challenges and sacrifices. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding and to have a clear plan for how you will leverage your foreign education and experience upon your return to Pakistan. Good Luck!!!

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